Tuesday, December 30, 2008

And Baby Made Three........

Eleven years ago our lives changed forever on December 29th at 7:47 in the morning. After years of monthly highs and lows, science projects, pills, frustrations and the most devastating loss we had ever experienced, God blessed Lee and me with an incredible gift: Margaret Winters Black. In a moment's time, our family grew by one and my heart felt like it could not possibly contain all the love I felt for this tiny new life. What an amazing thing a baby is! And what a huge rush of emotions such a tiny thing can cause! Love, joy, wonder, pride, optimism, exhaustion, fear, doubt, depression. But the greatest of these is love.

We did as all new parents do......... we prayed, we read books, we asked trusted friends. But ultimately, we simply did the best we could. Sometimes that worked and sometimes it didn't and when it didn't, we tried to learn from our mistakes. Despite our messes, God is gracious, and he has taken that helpless newborn baby girl and grown her into such a beautiful young lady. She loves God. She loves us and her brothers and sister. Of course, we are still very much in the process. There are still good days and bad days...... mountains we've made it over and mountains yet to climb. But I am so thankful for the blessing that we call Maggie. And I'm praying that the next 11 years don't go quite as quickly as the first ones have. 

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Maggie!