We're just a few hours away from some big weather changes. It's quiet right now, but over the next 24 hours, we'll be getting winds up to 40 mph and somewhere between 10-15 inches of rain! We've been watching the radar (huge weather nerds) so we can know what's heading our way. Amazing how quickly change happens sometimes. For instance...........
Summer, 1992
Summer, 2008
I can still remember, like it was yesterday, taking that wedding picture. (Lee and I kept whispering about how much our faces hurt from all the smiling!) Who but God could have known all the big changes ahead for us as we started out as a family that day? Wonder if "life radar" would be a good or bad thing? Would you want to know about those changes ahead of time? All I know is that I LOVE where we are now as a family and can't wait to see where we'll be 16 years from now!
Oh, and speaking of changes, isn't is also amazing how living at the beach lightens one's hair color??
Congrats you two! What a blessing to see your happy, healthy family. Praying for you during the storm!
Praying for you as you weather the storm. I LOVE the pics. And the blonde hair. :-) Congratulations on a wonderful achievement of 16 years!
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