So, to put his money where his mouth is, my sweet husband is taking me to ride a cable car up into the Rockies! He is terribly bothered (to put it very mildly) by heights, so this will definitely be out of his comfort zone. But oh, the prize that waits at the top: the views! (oh and for 50-cents, you can buy peanuts to feed the chipmunks!!)
Lee and I had a conversation yesterday:
Lee: "You know, I'm just determined to live my life claiming that 'all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.' I could die at any moment....... a plane crash, a gunshot, a whatever. (Lee can be kind of morbid like that) But there is such freedom in knowing that God knows all about it. So if that mountain cable-car cable snaps in two, it won't come as a surprise to God."
Me: "I bet it would come as a surprise to you!" (I can be kind of blunt like that)
Anyway, we're off to overcome fear! (and hopefully see more wildlife than chipmunks)
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