I am not the hot-head that I once was. (People who haven't known me for very long are thinking, "Good night! How bad
was she??") Being married to Lee who has the spiritual gift of Mercy has really softened my edges. Well, some. But do NOT mess with my kids. In any way, shape or form. I will not like you..... probably ever. I was a Labor and Delivery nurse for almost 15 years and I taught Childbirth Ed classes for most of that time. If I had taught those classes
after I had children of my own, I would have definitely changed the syllabus. Along with
True Labor v. False Labor, and
Things To Note When Your Water Breaks, I would have included
You Will Never Be Prepared For The Fierce Protectiveness That You Will Feel For Your Child and
You Will Be Willing To Die (or Kill) For Your Child. Oh yeah, and probably
Labor Hurts Like Crap So Get an Epidural (or something to that effect). All of that rambling to say, it's a shame that some people, who shall remain nameless, who work in a job that has a direct influence on my children at this phase of their lives (i.e., school age), feel that it is necessary to wield their authority like some kind of sword. I mean, I thought we were all on the same Parent/Child/Educator team here. Apparently not. And now I will not like these said people. Probably ever. And that is most definitely their loss, because I am also fiercely loyal to my friends. Oh, and for the record, I would die/kill for my husband, too, so don't mess with him, either.
1 comment:
Oh. My. Word. We would so get along. Let me just say, I have along fuse. But when it comes to my kids and husband, you don't even want to go there. It will be all shades of ugly for the one who dares to cross the line. It may not be today, tomorrow or the next six months, but somewhere along the line, they who even dare to graze the line will pay. Oh yes. They WILL pay.
Thank you. I had a few school authority issues of my own to purge.
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