It was back into the swing of things for our household today. Having to set an alarm clock was a bummer! But we all hit the ground running and within just a few minutes there were four little Black kiddos sitting at the table in their fresh-pressed new school uniforms eating their oatmeal. Maggie said, "Mom, why do you fix us oatmeal on the first day of school every year?" Elijah answered, "Because it's 'brain food' and she wants us to do well on our first day." Yeah, what he said. Actually, I'd forgotten that I had made the same breakfast for them every year. (maybe
I should eat some oatmeal!) Next, we packed four lunches, brushed teeth and hair and then headed outside for the annual "first day" pictures. Of course, I had to take a few more of Anabel since this was her very first first-day. She did fine, and I did, too, as we walked into her new school together. She got a hug from her teacher and then went straight to her "line" where she quickly made a new friend, Erin. Now, I'm back home in a very quiet house getting ready to dive into a long "to do" list. Please Lord, give all four of them a wonderful first day!
1 comment:
See? Oatmeal before school. Sometimes the Mom-stincts just kick in with no conscious thought on our part whatsoever! lol
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