First, I started the day working on Day#2 (of Week 2) of my "Marriage Without Regrets" Bible study. This weeks' title is "Role of Woman." Yesterday's lesson assignment was short, but sweet. Today, not so much. She (Kay Arthur) had me diving into all kinds of word studies on the verse, "Yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you." (Gen 3:16) Fun stuff.
Later this morning, I met with my "Moms In Touch" (MIT) group for the first time. I'd had to miss the first meeting they had, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Well, it was wonderful. Just 5 moms meeting with one purpose: to have a structured prayer time for our children. I learned so much about the other women and their families just by listening to the praise, thanksgiving, and requests. It really helped to hear that some of their prayers so closely mirrored mine. Just knowing that other moms deal with the same issues that I do, and have children with similar personalities to mine gave me energy somehow. I think we all felt it. We bonded. I'll definitely look forward to those two Fridays every month and growing those relationships.
This afternoon I had a good phone call with my mom. We talked about my grandmother and what the plans were for her care as she comes home weak and a little confused after a hospital stay. My mom is such a godly woman, and I always learn so much watching her walk through these situations. So, Mom, thank you for once again, blazing a trail for me to follow. I want to be you when I grow up. And you can come live with me when you're 93...... we'd have a blast, I'm sure.
Tonight, I'm having a Girl's Night Out with a couple of friends from church. We're going to eat a quick supper and then see a movie. I'm looking forward to it, because usually on the weeks that Lee's gone, I'm here with the kids the whole time. A break tonight will do us all good, trust me.
Oh, and just to put the estrogen level completely over the top, we're going to see "The Women."
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