OK, I was just reading another blog and the writer was talking about the fact that her husband gets disappointed when a hurricane does NOT come his way (after it has been forecasted to do so). That made me laugh out loud, because I feel like Lee and I live that life. We do NOT want the catastrophic damage/loss of life........ don't get me wrong. But if I'm going to totally emotionally invest in these forecasts, reports, updates, projected paths, computer models, etc., then I wish there could be just a little bit more accuracy. I mean, one minute, Ike is heading straight up Mobile Bay and we're organizing for a middle-of-the-week escape. Then, the next update comes out and suddenly, we're "safe" but Texas better be prepared to evacuate. Of course, all the Powers That Be are very quick to point out that there really is no "safe." Everyone from Texas to Florida should be 'closely monitoring the situation.' In other words, they don't have any idea what Ike (or any other hurricane for that matter) is going to do. Especially this far out in time. So, we wait. (and keep checking the weather sites every 3 hours) I can see where a person could need meds for this. Or at least ice cream.
Ice cream with chocolate sauce. AND some chocolate chip cookie dough. Oh what the heck. Get the kids and go to Dairy Queen because who knows if it will be standing if Ike hits. And remember, hurricane calories don't count. :-)
In that case, Praise the Lord, and pass the Peanut Buster Parfait! (or maybe a Tropical Blizzard would be more appropriate??)
See!? I JUST clicked from weather.com to your blog after doing my mid- morning tropical check. HA! I will in this moment confess that I got a little giggly in my belly when I saw that Ike is moving a further east than predicted last night at 10:00. SHhhhh! Don't tell anyone.
We probably really ARE sick, sad, little people in desperate need of some kind of therapy. BUT it is still fun! :)
Here here! A round of cookies and cream for us all!
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