Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Water works

I'm not a crier. I've always wanted to be. I have girlfriends who are moved to tears so quickly, that I feel very "hard" when I compare myself to them. Usually, to bring tears, something has to hurt me really badly or make me really, really mad. Unless it's God. For as far back as I can remember, when He speaks to me, it always makes me cry. It's become some sort of crazy litmus test almost: no tears, not from God. I know, I know, weird.

For a few weeks now, I've had something that I've been wrestling with. A lot of prayer, a lot of sleepless nights. Just a decision that I want to be very sure about. Well, today, out of the blue, I had TWO things move me deeply....... and yes, there were definitely tears. One was an email and article I read that concerned the "issue" I've been praying about. The other, while totally unexpected, was by far the one that hit me the hardest. 
Wow. God is that really you??

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