Because the one word that keeps coming to my mind is "smite." I hate cancer. I watched my dad fight a hard fight against it. I watched him suffer through the horrible side-effects of the poisons he was given to "help" him. And I watched him take his very last breath at the way-too-early age of 67. So this story makes me more angry than I will ever be able to put into words:
Now I'm laughing, because I just noticed the Bible verse for today under this post. It's like God's saying, "Don't worry, I've got it covered."
That whole thing COMPLETELY broke my heart when I heard about it. Somehow, He knows and He will make all things right in the end.
BTW - totally just scrapped trying to find my old blog site and started over. :) here's my new blog address: http://kellsjustsayin.blogspot.com/
I put yours and Lee's blogs on some "blogs kellie follows" thing. I don't really know what that means but yours and Boomama are the only ones I know of so I added you. Have a great day!
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