Thursday, September 25, 2008

Yes, We Have No Banana(Spiders)

This is our new friend on our back fence. Elijah came running in and asked me to take pictures of her because she "is SO beautiful." So, of course, being the always-obliging mom, (ha!) I did. Then I thought, "this would be a great teaching moment"....... see? already thinking like that home-schooling mom...... so I did a Google search to learn all that I could about Banana Spiders. Alas, my spidey sense must need some work, because apparently, this is not a Banana Spider, but is instead, a Black and Yellow Garden Spider. It is also called a Writing Spider....... see the zigzags in the web?
They're thought to serve as a warning to birds, so they won't fly through and destroy the web.
I'd rather think of them as the "ink" that Charlotte used to write "SOME PIG."  Except that I don't think Charlotte was a Black and Yellow Garden Spider or a Banana Spider. 

I may not be able to recognize Banana Spiders, but I do know that these are bananas:
And I also know that although they are on my next-door neighbor's tree, they are hanging on my side of the fence. I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.

And when the bananas outside look like these, they will be used as these are going to be........ making a big ol' batch of Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins! Yum.

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