"Mom, I sure wish there was a game we could play at school where they passed out books to everybody. Then, the winners would be the people who opened up their books and found $1000! But, I'd like to win it ten times so I would have $10,000. (I was very pleased with her math skills!) And you know what I'd do with $10,000? I'd buy us a new house in Tennessee near my friend, Glory. Then, if there was leftovers, I'd buy you and Dad a new car. Then.... if there was leftovers, I'd buy Target. 'Cause it would be so cool if you wanted a snack and you could just go in a get a bag of popcorn and while you were there, you could get clothes if you needed to. And then.... if there was leftovers, I'd buy Disney World..... 'cause that's my favorite place."
Sounds like a plan to me!
first of all, I think you sent your crud to me via the world wide web. UGH
Second, poor Annie will be crushed when she can't even afford one of those milkshake things with her $10,000 tomorrow. UGH UGH!!!
Any girl whose priority it is to buy Target is clearly walkin' in wisdom. Cuz we all know, "If you can't find it at Target, you don't need it."
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