Friday, October 24, 2008

Win-Win Situation

Today is my assigned day for Friday Treats for Elijah's 4th-grade class. We are supposed to follow pretty strict guidelines for providing "healthy" snacks. This is what I just made to take them:

Healthy? Not so much. Festive and fun? You betcha. (to quote one of my new favorite people) I mean, come on, people. We're heading full-speed ahead into the holiday season. If that's not a good enough reason to celebrate with our kids (even if it "sugars them up" a bit in the process) then what is?

I'm counting on two things happening when I deliver these to the class this afternoon:

(1)  I'm going to get lots of cheers and forever be known as "the-cool-mom-who-didn't-bring-a-veggie-and-dip-tray"


(fingers crossed)

(2)  I won't be asked to bring Friday Treats again.

Well....... at least not for E's class anyway. There are still 3 other classes to be the "Cool Mom" for, though!

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