Those angels, that multitude of heavenly hosts, had such an timely word for us today: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill to men......." I think God must have looked forward in time to see what a crazy, frenzied mess we would make of such a holy time. He gave those angelic messengers the perfect phrases to remind us where our focus should be. Looking up........... giving glory to God. Looking in............ allowing God's peace to calm us. Looking out............ offering goodwill to others. I know for me, though, during this last week or so before Christmas the challenges seem to hit from all sides. At school, the final week before the holidays is filled with so many projects and parties that it can seem all-consuming. Church musicals and services intended to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas still require a great deal of time and work in the middle of an already much-too-busy time. And shopping....... well, that's definitely an outright challenge to that "goodwill," isn't it? This season, however, I am determined to show my kids that the instructions given to the shepherds still apply to us today. Merry Christmas!
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