One of my favorite quotes from the infamous Shirley Q. Liquor.
Well, a good friend and I were walking this morning and she told me that I really needed to blog again. She said, "the last thing you wrote was in January and you've lost so much more weight since then. You need to post another picture at least." Guess I'm just guilty of taking advantage of the "quick fix" FaceBook updates like most everyone else. But, I agreed with her and decided to post a new blog today even though I had nothing much to say.
Well, when I got home I noticed a FedEx package on my front doorstep addressed to Lee. When I texted him asking if he were expecting anything, he said, "no, why don't you open it?" Well, that suggestion has led to a LOT of texting, emailing, and calling back and forth. Apparently, a few weeks ago, Lee entered an online contest sponsored by Wrangler to win a trip to the ACM Awards in Vegas. And apparently, contrary to popular opinion, people really do win those contests! The FedEx package contained a letter telling Lee that he was one of 5 Grand Prize winners and affidavits for him to sign confirming that he met all of the eligibility requirements. He has to return the signed and notarized forms in two days (overnight envelope was included) to claim the prize:
"3-night trip for 2 to Las Vegas. Roundtrip airfare. 2 tickets to the ACM Awards show, 2 tickets to the All-Star Jam show, 2 tickets to the Artist of the Decade show honoring George Strait, ground transportation betw. airport and hotel, 2 pairs of Justin boots, 3 pairs of Wrangler jeans, 3 Wrangler shirts, and country music CD's....."
Guess we'll be getting those forms filled out and notarized this evening, so we can find out if we have, in fact, won "a MAJOR AWARD!!"
Stay tuned........
Oh, and here's the one of the most recent pics I have after making my weight-loss goal....... which is another big "win" in itself!