Maggie wore glasses for several years and graduated to contacts when she turned 10. Now, it's Elijah's turn. He'd been complaining of "not being able to see the board" in class for a few weeks, so Lee took him for an eye exam a few days ago and E's been waiting not-so-patiently for his glasses to arrive.
When we got the call that we could come get them, Elijah was bouncing off the walls. (and not because he couldn't see them) But when I saw him wearing them for the first time and then saw his jaw drop in amazement at the details that he could finally see, I immediately went back in time to that same experience for me. Details. Leaves on trees, instead of blurry green things. Reading words on signs that I'd never seen before. And the sheer joy of that...... I saw that bubbling out of Elijah in the parking lot as we left the eye doctor. He was giddy. He tried to put it into words, "Mom! I feel like I want to just laugh. Nothing's really funny, but I just want to laugh." What a great place to be........
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