Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Table Talk #2 (or the things you learn from VBS these days!)

Ok, so we're now sitting around the supper table, the kids and I. The boys are going to a Vacation Bible School every night this week with a friend from school who goes to a Lutheran church downtown. Here's a snippet of our conversation:

Me: "Did you have fun at Bible School last night?"
Boys (together): "Yes, ma'am."
Me: "What did you do?"
Elijah: "Well, they're doing this Jerusalem Marketplace thing."
Reese: "Yeah, and everyone dresses up like Bible characters....even the grown-ups."
Me: "Well, that sounds really cool."
Elijah: "And for rec time we all went out dressed up like that and played soccer."
Reese: "Yeah, and Jesus? He had GAME!"

Well, alrighty then!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

YES! You are blogging again. I had all but given up hope. I found your blog, and then, I would check diligently, just to find the Nov post (sigh). So glad you are back. (Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!)