Life as we know it will change tomorrow. Lee has planned an evening with the boys and I have planned an evening with Maggie and we will be having "THE Talk" with them. (Anabel is spending the night with a friend.) The fellas are going to head to the new Bass Pro Shop, eat some supper somewhere....Lee says this occasion just screams for steak!.... and then go walk around somewhere where they can talk. Maggie and I have an appointment at a day spa for a manicure and pedicure. Then I think we're going to just pick up something to eat and head back here to the house for our conversation time.
We've been building this up with them for several days now. Telling them we're looking forward to our time just with them. Saying things like, "I just can't believe y'all are old enough for this" and "This is going to be so cool!" Finally, tonight at supper (at our local Mexican restaurant after baseball practice) Elijah just could not stand it any longer. He got this shy grin on his little face and said, "I think I know what's happening tomorrow night........... you're giving us all a cell phone!!" We assured him that was not the case.
Wonder how the information Lee lays on him tomorrow night will stack up against that phone? Hope he's not disappointed. Pray for us. We want to do this right!
I will definitely be praying for you both! I bet when everything has been said, those boys will wish they had a phone to tell all of their friends about "THE TALK"!
I cannot tell you how much I needed and enjoyed our visit.
I love you! Barb
Just the fact that you are actually taking the time to set it up this way and HAVE the talk- yeah, I believe you're doing something right! Well, done, Black Parents!
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