Wednesday, November 28, 2007

On Mission!

Earlier in the week, Lee blogged about feeling like a missionary to China (one of his Christmas musicals is being used there) and it got me thinking about where my mission field is. I told someone recently that I didn't feel called to travel to Africa with our church because "for right now, my family is my mission field." That impressed my friend. That sounded good to my ears, too. But what does that mean?

We have WONDERFUL kids. I know, I know, they're mine.....I have to say that. But really, they are great. They're respectful (most of the time). They're obedient (most of the time). They get along well (most of the time). The older three, Maggie, Reese and Elijah all accepted Jesus as their Savior in January of 2006 and Anabel, age 5, is already asking some deep questions. I want to be able to add to their descriptive................."they love Jesus (all of the time)." What can I be doing now to make that true for them? defines a missionary as "a group or committee of persons sent to a foreign country to conduct negotiations, establish relations, provide scientific and technical assistance, or the like. " Crossing over into my kids' world is a lot like going to a foreign country. I want to learn to speak their language...........the one that lets them know that I love them and that Jesus loves them even more. I want them to see me love and respect their father. I want them to see me put others first. I want them to see me do the right thing, so that they will do the right thing even when no one else is around. Going to Africa sounds pretty easy sometimes. After a week or so over there, you come home and they never know for sure if you really "walk the talk." Not so here on the home front. These kids see everything! the good, the bad and the ugly. Lord, let there be more good than anything else!!

Oops, back to the trenches...........the dog just threw up!


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