Sunday, August 31, 2008

'Twas The Night Before Gustav......

And all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except for this opossum.

OK, so it doesn't rhyme. I never claimed to be the songwriter. Just the "wife of a...."

This little critter somehow ended up in our sunroom last night. Bless his heart, he was probably just looking for a good place to ride out the storm. But Doobie-Dog was having NONE of that, thank you very much. We tried to direct him back out to the yard, but he was just too scared to realize that we were trying to help him. Finally, we just left the back door open, closed the door into our house (I'm all about providing shelter, but I draw the line at opossums), and went to bed, because Sundays come early here at our house. When we got up this morning, the critter was gone.

We've been to church, eaten some lunch and are now "hunkered down" glued to the continuing hurricane coverage on the different tv stations. One of the outer bands is making its way through our area right now. It's now really dark and the thunder is beginning to rumble. According to the latest reports, we're in for a rainy, windy night. (But nothing like Louisiana is going to have.) We've got all of our "if-the-lights-go-out" supplies ready, and I'm baking some muffins so we'll have something yummy for a late-night snack. The kids are all hyped-up thinking that this is all a grand adventure. Lee's snoring on the couch. 

Stay safe and dry, Mr. Opossum!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Take THAT Clemson!!

Can I get a big ol' Roll Tide?? What a season opener for Alabama!! Underdogs by 4+ points. Winning 34-10. I just love it when those "in the know" are proven wrong. May this be just the first of many, many wins for the Crimson Tide this year.

Oh, and it would be just fine with me if those "in the know" about hurricane forecast tracks were NOT proven wrong. As much as I hate it for our neighbors to the west, I'm not wanting to experience Gustav's Category 5 fury anywhere near us.

Still waiting and watching............

Friday, August 29, 2008


This has been a LONG week. It just seems like it's taken a month to get from Monday til today. I've been very tired (still behind in sleep from the sale last week) and out of sorts (sorry, Lee) and stressed (wondering where in the world Gustav is heading). But all that changed when I picked the kids up at school this afternoon. It's knowing that there's a three-night reprieve from homework. It's hearing Elijah yell, "Mom, 3 down, only 33 more to go!" (weeks of school) It's surprising Maggie with a sleepover with her best friend, Anna. (she still doesn't know that Anna will be here at 6:00 tonight) It's knowing that Lee's going to be heading home tonight from Nashville and we can deal with all this weather mess together. It's the night before Alabama's first football game. (Roll Tide!) It's........... Friday!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Cone of Uncertainty"

That phrase may not mean anything to some folks, but mention it to anyone who lives along the Gulf Coast (or any hurricane-prone area) and they'll know immediately what you're talking about. We are currently smack-dab in the middle of that appropriately named cone as we play the hurry-up-and-wait game with Gustav. I have had a bad feeling (joo-joo as Lee calls it) about this storm for several days now. Seriously, when I looked at the forecast track the first time the weather guys started talking about the newest tropical wave, the baby hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Things should have gotten a little better over the next few days, because the forecast seemed to be taking the storm well away from us. Still the heebie-jeebies stayed with me.

Background information:  Lee and I are total weather nerds. He grew up in South Alabama tracking hurricanes from a very early age. It was not unusual for him to miss days, and sometimes even weeks, of school because of power outages from a storm. In Tuscaloosa, I was farther away from that particular action, but my dad's idea of a perfect evening was sitting in his comfy recliner watching the radar pattern on the local weather channel. No lie. Elevator music and all. My family was always "in the know" about current weather events. Sounds funny, I know, but it probably saved the lives of my mom, dad and youngest sister when a tornado ripped through their area on December 16, 2000. My sister's family was all safe, but their home was a total loss. We have a very healthy respect for what a "good" storm can do.

Back to present. There are several weather sites that Lee and I have bookmarked to see current updates on approaching storms. Usually, there are some differences of opinion on the when, where, how strong, etc., but according to the concept of the "Cone of Uncertainty," the closer you get to the event, the less uncertainty there is. All of the models tend to converge and agree eventually. This morning, there was still a good bit of disagreement. AccuWeather, a site that was incredibly accurate tracking both Katrina and Ivan, was predicting that Gustav would make landfall as a Category 3 storm on Tuesday near Galveston, Texas. That sounded pretty good. (Well, not for Galveston, I guess.) Then, I saw that two other sites, the NHC (National Hurricane Center) and Weather Underground were predicting that by Monday morning at 8:00, Gustav would be a Cat 3 storm in the Gulf of Mexico just to the SE of New Orleans. Not so good for us. 

Then, the warning emails began about rising gas costs and supply shortages. (from people "in the know") That's a bit worrisome. So, I decided to err on the side of caution and go top off the tank in my van. Well, I guess most everyone else in our county had the same thought. The lines at all 8 pumps were at least three-deep and most everyone there was not only filling up his own vehicle, but also gas containers. Even more worrisome. Now, the models all seem to be moving a little more eastward....... more in a direction that will affect us. Our local weatherman is right this very minute telling me to "take the next two days to get all of your emergency supplies together and plan out your evacuation route." 

I'm not sure what our Labor Day will look like, but I'm pretty sure it won't involve grilling out burgers in the backyard. Not here, anyway. I'm just glad that by then, Lee will be back from Nashville and we'll be able to deal (together) with whatever Gustav brings. Lee was in California when Katrina hit and that was no fun for either of us. 

Still watching and wondering within the "Cone,"

Monday, August 25, 2008

Here We Go Again.........

Welcome to Hurricane Season! We "dodged another bullet" with Fay. Only got a little wind and a good soaking of rain. In fact, we're still getting the last of those band rain storms tonight. But, before we can even enjoy the fact that we have no trees down and no roof damage, (not to mention that we didn't have to pack up all of our "treasures" and head North) we're already being put on alert for the next storm, Gustav. Looks like it might be an interesting few days...............

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Calm Before the Storm

We're just a few hours away from some big weather changes. It's quiet right now, but over the next 24 hours, we'll be getting winds up to 40 mph and somewhere between 10-15 inches of rain! We've been watching the radar (huge weather nerds) so we can know what's heading our way. Amazing how quickly change happens sometimes. For instance...........

Summer, 1992

Summer, 2008

I can still remember, like it was yesterday, taking that wedding picture. (Lee and I kept whispering about how much our faces hurt from all the smiling!) Who but God could have known all the big changes ahead for us as we started out as a family that day? Wonder if "life radar" would be a good or bad thing? Would you want to know about those changes ahead of time? All I know is that I LOVE where we are now as a family and can't wait to see where we'll be 16 years from now!

Oh, and speaking of changes, isn't is also amazing how living at the beach lightens one's hair color??

Friday, August 22, 2008

I (Still) Do

How can it possibly have been 16 years? 

And who in the world are those kids??

I love you more than you'll ever know.
Happy Anniversary.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Three days. 12 hours sleep. Enough said. I'd BETTER come home with some money from this consignment sale!!! (or I'll be having to change this picture to Grumpy!)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Feeling a bit shown up...........

For a 43-year-old, stay-at-home, needs-to-lose-30-pounds, always-tired wife and mom, tonight was NOT the night to be watching Olympic coverage if I were looking for a "you're right where you're supposed to be" pat on the back! 

First, it was Romania's Constantina Tomescu, 38, winning the Women's Marathon as the "oldest Olympic marathon gold-medal winner ever!" 

Then, to top that, there's US Swimmer, Dara Torres. 41-years old. Mom of a toddler. She's now competed (and medaled!) in FIVE Olympic games. I just can't begin to wrap my mind around that.

But as a woman, I am so proud of both of them. And as I licked the last of my Extreme Chocolate ice cream off my spoon, I committed to "do better" at getting my big behind moving more starting this coming week!

Friday, August 15, 2008


It's makin' me late. It's keepin' me wai-ai-ai-ai-ai-itin'. (anyone picturing ketchup?) I'm not. Well, OK, I did for a minute. But what I'm really looking forward to is Lee walking in the door in about 6 hours. On his writing weeks, he usually stays in Nashville until Saturday morning, so we don't see him 'til late that afternoon. He didn't have any writing appointments booked for this afternoon, though, so he decided to just head on back our way. Whoo-hoo! Sounds like he's had a good trip: 3 writing appointments, 3 really good songs. "Lord, please find the perfect homes for these songs. Amen." 
I'm not even telling the kids that he's coming home tonight. They're used to his being back on Saturday afternoon, so if I tell them, they'll be all keyed up and won't want to sleep tonight which will NOT be good. How fun that they can just wake up and "find" him here in the morning? Hopefully, this first week of having to get up earlier for school will have them tired enough that we can all sleep just a little later tomorrow!

Counting down the hours!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Going For the Gold!

I'm loving these Olympic Games because I HATE knowing ahead of time what the outcomes of the events are. I mean, why watch?? You just can't beat the thrill of watching "real-time" when the US Men come from behind to win the Swim Relay. What a finish!! (Take that, you smack-talkin' French!!) And the underdog US Men's Gymnastics team? Michael Phelps? individual kayak? Well, ok, not so much.........

I'm hating these Olympic Games because I'm staying up WAY too late every night to see who wins. I mean, seriously, I'm about to set my own world record for how little sleep a person can exist on! Tonight is the Women's Gymnastics Individual Events! Oh well, it will be over way too soon and I'll sleep then. 

Gotta go, I've got less than an hour to be productive before the coverage begins again!

ps How cool that I'd already written this blog AND added the countdown to the Bama game before I found the Bible verse application. Had no idea that the verse of the day would be "sports"-related! Guess I needed a reminder of the importance of focusing on the most important EVENT.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Need a Map!!

I'm having one of those Parent Times when I just don't know what to do. Step in, be an advocate? Stand back, be an encourager? Cry?... already done that. Sometimes this job is NOT for the faint of heart! Thank God for His promise:

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
      do not depend on your own understanding
6 Seek his will in all you do,
     and he will show you which path to take.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)

I'm trusting, Lord, with all my heart!

Monday, August 11, 2008

We made it!

It was back into the swing of things for our household today. Having to set an alarm clock was a bummer! But we all hit the ground running and within just a few minutes there were four little Black kiddos sitting at the table in their fresh-pressed new school uniforms eating their oatmeal. Maggie said, "Mom, why do you fix us oatmeal on the first day of school every year?" Elijah answered, "Because it's 'brain food' and she wants us to do well on our first day." Yeah, what he said. Actually, I'd forgotten that I had made the same breakfast for them every year. (maybe I should eat some oatmeal!) Next, we packed four lunches, brushed teeth and hair and then headed outside for the annual "first day" pictures. Of course, I had to take a few more of Anabel since this was her very first first-day. She did fine, and I did, too, as we walked into her new school together. She got a hug from her teacher and then went straight to her "line" where she quickly made a new friend, Erin. Now, I'm back home in a very quiet house getting ready to dive into a long "to do" list. Please Lord, give all four of them a wonderful first day!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Last Shall be First (Grade)

Well, it's "Milestone Eve" here at the Black house. Tomorrow, our baby girl, Anabel, will enter First Grade. Is she ready? Oh yes. Am I? Well...... yes...... and no.
I'm so ready for her to join the ranks of the "big kids" as she calls her brothers and sister. She's been looking forward to this day for so long and I'm celebrating with her for that. But still, there is a part of my heart that realizes that this is her first step in a walk that will eventually take her away from us and that makes me teary-eyed. As I've thought back today over the blur that has been her first 6 years, I've realized again just how short a time we have them and how quickly it flies. It's a tremendous responsibility, but I'm so grateful for the opportunity. Here's my prayer for our four blessings:

It's only for a moment you are mine to hold 
The plans that heaven has for you 
Will all too soon unfold 
So many different prayers I'll pray 
For all that you might do 
But most of all I'll want to know 
You're walking in the truth 
And If I never told you 
I want you to know 
As I watch you grow 

I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams 
And that faith gives you the courage 
To dare to do great things 
I'm here for you whatever this life brings 
So let my love give you roots 
And help you find your wings 

May passion be the wind 
That leads you through your days 
And may conviction keep you strong 
Guide you on your way 
May there be many moments 
That make your life so sweet 
Oh, but more than memories 

It's not living if you don't reach for the sky 
I'll have tears as you take off 
But I'll cheer as you fly 

(TonyWood/Mark Harris)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Time to Pack!

I just cannot believe how our days here have flown by. But we have managed to cram as much into each one of them as possible and we're leaving here with a ton of great memories and lots of wonderful pictures!

Today, we headed up (early) into the Rocky Mountain National Park. The road we took through the park is the highest continuous paved road in the US reaching an elevation of over 12,000 feet. We were determined to see some wildlife. I'd been here a week hearing about all of the incredible animals to see and all I'd photographed were a bunny and a TON of chipmunks. I felt like Holly Hunter's character in "Raising Arizona." But instead of a toddler, "I need me an elk." 

So, we started off on our quest. All day, every time I paused to catch my breath, (which was many, many times b/c there's like, NO OXYGEN AT ALL in Rocky Mountain National Park), I asked God to "just let me please see one elk." And I am not joking about how many times I said that. I mean the Persistent Widow had nothing on me.

Well, we went all the way to the other side of the park, stopping whenever we wanted to along the way to walk, hike, take pics, look for elk, etc. We saw many incredible views, and got a ton of great pics of various park wildlife, but alas, no elk. Finally, at the Visitor's Center Observation Window, we saw a couple of herds, but they were WAY too far off to even photograph. A kind lady from London let me borrow her binoculars and at this point, I was thrilled to see them from any distance. We were on our last leg of the ride back out of the park when we saw a few people step into a field and point up toward a mountain. Guess what? Right! An elk!! Lee and I ran across that field (surely it was NOT protected tundra that you're NOT supposed to walk on!) and headed up the rocks to try to snap a picture before the elk decided to amble off. Well, when we got to the place where he was and looked over the rise, there were 7 more! I almost started crying I was so excited. We were so close to them. The biggest ones were well over 1500 pounds and their antler racks are just regal looking. I simply cannot figure out how they can hold their heads up.

All that to say, it was a very successful day in the hunt for wildlife. I can now head home tomorrow (well, today, I guess) a happy girl. And I'm sure my four "little critters" waiting for me at home will be enough to make me teary-eyed, too! 

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The view from the top

The cable-car ride was AWESOME! Lee (and his very sweaty palms) made it just fine. The elevation where we got off the ride was 8900 feet (!) and then we hiked up another 20 miles or so. Just kidding. It only felt like that many. But the reward was great:
overcoming fears, incredible views, and TONS of great chipmunk pics. Who could ask for more?

FEAR is a 4-letter word! (or "Life is too short not to ride the rides!")

This is the lesson that we're attempting to teach the kids. Face your fears head-on! Chase your dreams! Shoot for the stars! Never give up! You get the picture.........
So, to put his money where his mouth is, my sweet husband is taking me to ride a cable car up into the Rockies! He is terribly bothered (to put it very mildly) by heights, so this will definitely be out of his comfort zone. But oh, the prize that waits at the top: the views! (oh and for 50-cents, you can buy peanuts to feed the chipmunks!!) 

Lee and I had a conversation yesterday:

Lee:  "You know, I'm just determined to live my life claiming that 'all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.' I could die at any moment....... a plane crash, a gunshot, a whatever. (Lee can be kind of morbid like that) But there is such freedom in knowing that God knows all about it. So if that mountain cable-car cable snaps in two, it won't come as a surprise to God."

Me: "I bet it would come as a surprise to you!" (I can be kind of blunt like that) 

Anyway, we're off to overcome fear! (and hopefully see more wildlife than chipmunks)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Wild Time

We had a beautiful day here yesterday! The mountains are just indescribable. Pictures are disappointing........ they just can't capture the full effect that seeing them in person has on you. A storm blew up suddenly and it completely changed the view up here. But just as suddenly, the sun was back out and critters (all kinds who are everywhere) were once again, scurrying around. Here's one that we walked up on on our way to our room.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Planes, Trains, (Buses) and Automobiles

Wow, what a long day yesterday was! Hit the ground running around 7:00 to do all the "last minute" things required to leave 4 children and a dog for 5 days. We pulled out of our driveway at 12:37 waving good-bye to the kids (who were already SO over our leaving and ready to see what all Ms. Victoria had planned for them) and headed for the Pensacola airport. Our flight was at 2:26 and we pulled into the parking garage at 1:50. That's my idea of perfect timing. Check in, get on your seat. (That's the "Plane" part).

We flew from Pensacola to Atlanta and got there around 4:30. Three hours, almost, to kill before our flight to Denver. So we rode the airport shuttle (That's the "Train" part) to another terminal and ate supper at TGIFridays..... even though it was Monday..... but we're just crazy like that. 

We arrived in Denver around 8:30 (Mountain Time) but then we had to get our luggage (took FORVER!!) and then take a bus (That's the "Bus" part) to the car rental place where we picked up our rental car. (That's the "Automobile" part) 

Finally, we headed up into the moutains! Through Boulder and then up VERY narrow and winding roads into Estes Park. By the time we got here, checked in, drove to our cabin and unloaded, it was almost 2:00! See, I told you it was a long day! We dropped our luggage, took quick baths to "blow the stink off," (I LOVE that line from "Hope Floats") and then fell into bed. Of course, it was way too dark to see anything then, but this morning, when the sun woke us up, this was the view from our window. 
Well worth all the hours of travel!! 

Friday, August 1, 2008

Uniform(ity) Conformity?

I spent a good while tonight washing, sorting and having the kids (well, the girls anyway) try on their school uniforms trying to get ready for the big "First Day" next Monday. Once upon a time, I was a strong supporter of the uniform plan. I loved the thought of "equal footing" for all students. No brand name envy. No last-minute early-morning wardrobe battles. No-brainer. Right? Well........ not so fast. Apparently there is now a caste system of sorts for uniforms. A friend of mine was telling me this week that her daughter (a first-grader at the time) begged her not to buy more than one uniform for her until she could get to school and find out what brand the "cool" kids were wearing. I kept expecting my friend to laugh, but unfortunately she was totally serious. Give me a break. Like it really makes a difference where you buy your khaki, navy and white? Like there's not enough peer pressure about every other flippin' thing in the school? I'm just thankful that my kids seem to have a healthy sense of who they are despite the fact that ALL of their clothes, not just their school uniforms, come from Wal-mart, Target, eBay, and/or consignment sales. (Oh and I forgot, hand-me-downs from siblings and good friends!) Sure, we may stumble across an occasional "can't-beat-it-with-a-stick" clearance sale at a name-brand or department store, but those are definitely more the exception than the norm. Call us crazy, but Lee and I shop the same way. Can't say that it was always that way, but we're doing our best to lead by example now that we have these four "we-want-to-be-just-like-you" blessings watching our every move. We so want them to hold onto the knowledge that their identity is ONLY found in Who they belong to......... not what they do, not what friends they have, and certainly not the label in their clothes. I can always use a fresh reminder of that, too!

Mama Bear

I am not the hot-head that I once was. (People who haven't known me for very long are thinking, "Good night! How bad was she??") Being married to Lee who has the spiritual gift of Mercy has really softened my edges. Well, some. But do NOT mess with my kids. In any way, shape or form. I will not like you..... probably ever. I was a Labor and Delivery nurse for almost 15 years and I taught Childbirth Ed classes for most of that time. If I had taught those classes after I had children of my own, I would have definitely changed the syllabus. Along with True Labor v. False Labor, and Things To Note When Your Water Breaks, I would have included You Will Never Be Prepared For The Fierce Protectiveness That You Will Feel For Your Child and You Will Be Willing To Die (or Kill) For Your Child. Oh yeah, and probably Labor Hurts Like Crap So Get an Epidural (or something to that effect). All of that rambling to say, it's a shame that some people, who shall remain nameless, who work in a job that has a direct influence on my children at this phase of their lives (i.e., school age), feel that it is necessary to wield their authority like some kind of sword. I mean, I thought we were all on the same Parent/Child/Educator team here. Apparently not. And now I will not like these said people. Probably ever. And that is most definitely their loss, because I am also fiercely loyal to my friends. Oh, and for the record, I would die/kill for my husband, too, so don't mess with him, either.